Not Your Average Damsels aims to blog about a wide collection of things not limited to pop-culture, life topics, writing, history and sport. It's a blog run and written by ladies, in hopes of creating a space for other like minded individuals. Updates will be semi-regular, usually on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Check out our Recommendations in the menu to the right side of the screen. It will list an increasing number of sites relevant to our blog, including webcomics with strong female characters, other blogs with a female focus, and sites that support the feminist movement.
Check out the About the Authors page for information about our regular writers. We also plan to have guest bloggers in the future, so if you think you'd like to contribute or have a particular topic you think fits NYAD, please get in touch with our admins for more information at notyouraveragedamsels (at) gmail (dot) com
We will always credit guest bloggers with their work, and invite them to write a small bio about themselves to accompany their post.
*Please note, too, that NYAD supports intersectional feminism. We do not discriminate on race/ethnicity, sexual/romantic orientation, intersex, or gender assigned at birth.
NYAD has a facebook page, Not Your Average Damsels, a twitter, @nyadamsels, and a tumblr, notyouraveragedamsels!! Like or follow us for updates about the blog.