Google+ Not Your Average Damsels: August 2014

Friday, 15 August 2014

Guardians of the Galaxy

Marvel released its latest blockbuster last week as Guardians of the Galaxy hit the theatres in Australia. Follow me under the cut as I discuss the movie (hark! there are spoilers ahead).

Thursday, 7 August 2014

Blogger Opening

NYAD is currently on the search for someone to join our team! We are looking for a woman (born as or identifying as) who can commit to writing one blog post a month.

Please contact us on notyouraveragedamsels@gmail(dot)com if you're interested.

EDIT 7/8/2014: Just want to let y'all know that this call is still open! And the regularity of posting is negotiable if anyone is interested but concerned that a monthly schedule is too high a time commitment.